She studied architecture at Mount Vernon College, but dropped out in New York City to pursue modeling. The big break in Cox happened when Brian De Palma cast her in Bruce Springsteen’s video “Dancing in the Dark.” Her most famous role is Monica Geller in the hit TV series Friends. Cox married actor David Arquette for almost 13 years from 1999 to 2012. Courtney Cox is one of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood.

Her looks and great talent enables her to have a net worth of $120 million. For sure, she had different investments and might also have a financial advisor to take care of her wealth. As for her looks, she is the one who is taking care of it. She decided to have a Botox and facial fillers. However, she decided to remove it since it does not look natural. To maintain her looks, she is following a beauty regimen every morning. She washes her face then puts on a warm towel and then rejuvenates it. She currently looks young and dashing!
